
Aircraft Spotting in the digital age

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What’s Radarspotting?

Just a few years ago, aircraft spotters would make do with scanners, binoculars and maybe a camera.

Today they’re equipped with ModeS data receivers, laptops, digital cameras and photo editing software. And those with smart phones can point them at the sky to check the aircraft type, registration owner and where it’s going - through walls, mountains and clouds!

Welcome to Radarspotting.com, your online guide to aircraft spotting in the digital age.

Here you will find free Guides, useful links and one-to-one help and support on the new radarspotting products and software.

Registration is free and you may qualify for free or discounted one-to-one help and support.

Why Register?

Joining the Radarspotting.com Forum is Free and offers you some fantastic benefits.

As well as receiving our monthly Newsletter, members get direct access to our unrivalled expertise and knowledge of all things Radarspotting - Mode-S receivers, software, accessories, phone apps and software extensions.

Optionally sign up for one-to-one Online Support for help with your setup and to configure your radarspotting hardware and software. Free support packages may be available for qualifying members.

Or use our Links to find the best in radarspotting resources.

And download our free guides.